Why I’m running for the Board of Education

Like all towns and cities, Plainfield has needs – an ever-growing number of voids that must be filled for the betterment of its people. More often than not, residents of our city decide to fill these voids. Some choose to better Plainfield as part of their career while even more volunteer their time and energy…

Why I blog; precursors to Plainfield View

Since I began Plainfield View, I’ve been asked plenty of times why I do it. The question often comes from those close to me. It’s not that they don’t think that I should, nor that they don’t appreciate that I do – but they’d like to know why. It’s a commitment on top of a…

A King Returns Home

It’s been a stressful week for me. The stress has nothing to do with working, or blogging, or filming, or anything else that would be expected. I never write about professional sports, but everyone who knows me away from the blog understands that, despite coming from New Jersey with few ties to Northeast Ohio, I’ve been…

Fourth of July Parade Photos

The 91st Annual Central Jersey Fourth of July Parade took place this morning. I took photos around Richmond and Front Streets. Please make sure to follow Plainfield View on instagram! Click the link below to be directed there or just add @plainfieldview.